Melissa Boggs

Melissa Boggs

HouseMaster Owner Since 2021

Question Year Opened:
Answer 2021
Question What were you doing before?
Answer Home inspector
Question Most rewarding part of the job:
Answer Seeing your hard work and dedication pay off. I love being able to see my business grow and making new friends along the way.
Question Best piece of advice you’ve ever received:
Answer Don't be afraid to try new and different things. What works for someone else may not work for you.
Question Advice for aspiring franchise owners:
Answer Ask all your questions to anyone and everyone you can get in touch with. We are all more than willing to pass along advice, knowledge, and experiences.
Question Must-read business book:
Answer All of them! Read as many books as you can.
Question Least favorite chore:
Answer Cleaning the bathroom.

Melissa’s Story

Melissa Boggs has enjoyed a long career in the professional services industry, starting out as a loss prevention team leader for Target and then establishing herself as a respected home inspector. So when her father was ready to sell his HouseMaster® franchise, Melissa knew it was her chance to lead her own company in an industry where she had deep expertise.

In 2021, she took over HouseMaster of Knoxville and has focused on growing and expanding the business ever since.

Melissa said she chose franchise ownership over starting a new business because Neighborly® and HouseMaster are such well-known brands. And while Neighborly’s franchise support system for HouseMaster is a competitive differentiator, she’s also realized that working with the franchise means much more.

“In my time working with my dad, and since then, I found HouseMaster to not just be another franchise,” she said, “It’s a family.”

Melissa Boggs

HouseMaster Owner Since 2021

Question Year Opened:
Answer 2021
Question What were you doing before?
Answer Home inspector
Question Most rewarding part of the job:
Answer Seeing your hard work and dedication pay off. I love being able to see my business grow and making new friends along the way.
Question Best piece of advice you’ve ever received:
Answer Don't be afraid to try new and different things. What works for someone else may not work for you.
Question Advice for aspiring franchise owners:
Answer Ask all your questions to anyone and everyone you can get in touch with. We are all more than willing to pass along advice, knowledge, and experiences.
Question Must-read business book:
Answer All of them! Read as many books as you can.
Question Least favorite chore:
Answer Cleaning the bathroom.
Neighborly is so much more than just a brand. It’s a support system—a team that works behind the scenes to help with establishing the name and brand.
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